Girls Rock Camp Madison
2025 camps are now full. Registration is closed.
Session 1 (ages 8-18, no experience needed): week of June 23rd with Sat. Showcase at High Noon Saloon
Session 2 (7th grade & up, with some experience): week of July 14th with Sat. Showcase at High Noon Saloon
Session 3 (ages 8-18, no experience needed): week of July 28th with Sat. Showcase at High Noon Saloon
Please join our mailing list to be in the loop.
Girls Rock Camp Madison (GRC) is a week-long summer day camp for girls, transgender and gender non-conforming youth ages 8 to 18 focusing on building positive self-esteem through music. No musical experience is necessary to join (with the exception of violin). GRC begins with the basics of playing and performing in a rock band (or punk band, or funk band, or jazz band, or whatever band!).
*Campers who play VIOLIN during the school year can learn how to rock out on violin in a band!
The violin is not for beginning violinists.
Camp includes:
• instrument lessons and band practice
• a variety of workshops including songwriting, hip hop dance, mindfulness, games, and building positive self esteem
• professional recording studio experience
• and a final showcase, where each band will play for friends, family and hundreds of screaming fans!
Where and When is Girls Rock Camp Madison?
All camps will be held from 9 am to 4 pm at the Covenant Presbyterian, 326 Segoe Rd, Madison. (New 2024 Location!)
See homepage for dates.
Sign up for our mailing list for Registration updates.
Registration - CAMP FILLS FAST!
*If you need printed registration and/or financial information, please call Beth Dohrn@ 608-358-1416 or email
We plan to offer before and after care for Sessions 1 and 3 (more info closer to camp). We charge $10 for before care and $10 for after care per camper. Drop off will be at 8:00 for before care and pick up will be at 5:00 PM for after care. These fees are non refundable and must be paid in advance. FINANCIAL AID IS AVAILABLE FOR BEFORE AND AFTER CARE. Please contact Beth Dohrn for assistance at
How Much Does it Cost?
Tuition for each session in 2025 is $490 per week.
In order to secure a space at Girls Rock Camp Madison, you are required to pay a $100 down payment to register unless you are applying for financial aid. The balance of tuition is due June 1st, 2025. If tuition is not paid in full by June 1st, the $100 down payment is forfeited and the space will go to a waiting list camper.
If you cancel your camper’s registration for Girls Rock Camp Madison between the time of registration and 31 days before the first day of the camp session your child is registered for, the $100 down payment is forfeited. If you cancel registration less than 31 days before the first day of the camp session your child is registered for, the entire tuition payment is forfeited if we are unable to fill the spot with a waiting list camper.
Is Financial Aid Available? Yes!
Please click here for more information about Financial Aid.
2023 Showcases locations are:
session 1 & 2 - High Noon Saloon
session 3 - Majestic Theatre
Doors open at 11:45am
Show starts at noon for all sessions
All showcases will be Saturday of the of camp week. The showcases will be live streamed and recorded for streaming later. -
In Session 2, campers going into 7th grade through high school (including girls who graduate in May/June), will have a chance to delve deeply into the creative musical process with advanced instrument & ensemble instruction.
In order to apply for Session TWO on an instrument or vocals, one of the following requirements must be met:
The camper has received a recommendation from a GRC staff member on a specific instrument
The camper has attended camp previously and is knowledgeable about their instrument
The camper submits a video audition*. Please register for camp first and then email your video to
*The video “audition” is to ensure Session 2 campers have a basic proficiency on their instrument of choice (for example, a guitar player who knows how to play a 3-chord song and can keep a basic beat). Our intention is to include as many campers as possible, but because this camp fills with campers who have more experience, we've found that campers who are novices on their instrument end up feeling disempowered and frustrated. We love novices though, and encourage them to sign up for Session 1 or 3 camps.
Please contact us directly if you have questions.
Another “back by popular demand” session 2 option is our Club DJ program. We have space for two campers (accepted on a first come first served basis, no experience necessary) to learn what it takes to be a club/party DJ. They will learn beat matching and mixing skills using songs they already know and love!
The camp will provide instruments and equipment during camp hours for Bass, Drums, Guitar, Keyboard & Vocals.
We also have a limited number of Ukuleles and Electric Violins available for campers who have some experience on these instruments.
If you have an instrument at home that you would prefer to play, by all means, bring it along!
GRC Madison is organized and led by a group of musicians, performers and teachers from the Madison area. Everyone involved in the camp is thoroughly interviewed with background checks and must be wearing an ID badge at all times. Visit the Instructors page to view all dedicated staff members.
For faster registration, create an account (before registration date) in
- Fill in Basic Information
- Add a credit card for purchase
On registration day, you will have 10 min to complete registration (the amount of time you can hold the item in your cart). If you go over, the system will cancel your registration. We have streamlined questions to be able to complete in less than 10 minutes. Below are the directions AND questions we ask so you can be prepared. NOTE: if you cannot get into registration, keep trying. Only so many “carts” can be full at one time.
Registration Questions:1. What grade is your camper going into in the Fall? ( A qué grado irá su hijo en el otoño?) *
2. What name would you like on your nametag? Que nombre quieres en tu place?*
Please list your first instrument of choice. (All Sessions-Only Session 2 can sign up for DJ. (Escribe tus primero instrumentos de elección-Sesión 2 pueden electar DJ) *
DJ Program for Session 2 Only
Violin (with experience)
3. Please list another instrument of choice (must be a different selection then the previous). (SESSION 2 Select N/A unless you have experience on a unless you have experience on a 2nd/3rd instrument). (Enumera tus instrumentos de elección, Sesión 2 seleccionar no aplicable). *
Violin (with experience)
N/A in Session 2
DJ Program for Session 2 Only
4. Please list another instrument of choice (must be a different selection then the previous). (SESSION 2 Select N/A unless you have experience on a unless you have experience on a 2nd/3rd instrument). (Enumera tus instrumentos de elección, Sesión 2 seleccionar no aplicable). *
DJ Program for Session 2 Only
Violin (with experience)
N/A in Session 2
5. Do you want to be in a band with friends? Enter their names here! We can't guarantee that you will be in a band together, but we will do our best! (Quieres estar en un grupo con amigas que conoces? Ingreses nombres aquí. Sin garantía).
6. Name any songs you can play on the instruments you chose. It's OK if you can't play any for Session 1 and Session 3! (Nombra cualquier conción que puesdes tocar, Esta bien si no puedes jugar ninguna).*
7. Please share secondary parent information (name, email, phone number (Por favor comparte información secundario para padres number). *
8. Please list the emergency contact (other than parent), relationship, to child and their phone number. Contactos de emergencia(que no sea el padre), relación con el niño y su número de teléfono. *
9. Please select a t-shirt size for your camper. (Tella de camisa de su hijo).*
Youth Small
Youth Medium
Youth Large
Youth XL
Unisex Small (crew)
Unisex Medium (crew)
Unisex Large (crew)
Unisex XL (crew)
Unisex 2 XL (crew)
Unisex 3 XL (crew)
Ladies Small (v neck)
Ladies Medium (v neck)
Ladies Large (v neck)
Ladies XL (v neck)
Ladies 2 XL (v neck)
Ladies 3 XL (v neck)
10. How did you hear about GRC? (Cómo se enetró del campamento?)*
Social Media (website, Insta, FB)
Black Girl Magic/Rosa Thompson
Boys and Girls Club
11. Does your camper take medications? Will they need to be administered at camp? If yes, please explain. If no, type NO. (Su hija toma medicamentos? Por favor explica). *
12. Does the camper have behavioral, emotional, physical or developmental conditions? If yes, please explain (for instance, if your camper is on an IEP or 504 plan?) (Su campista tiene condiciones de comportamiento, emocionales, físicas o de desarrollo? en caso afirmative, por favor explica).*
13. Have you attended a Rock Camp before? If so, where? If not, type no. (Has venido al campamento antes?)(Si es así, donde) *
14. In order to maintain a safe campus, everyone who attends programs at Girls Rock Camp Madison must read and sign the Code of Conduct Agreement. Thank you for your cooperation.
I will abide by the guidelines listed below while I am attending any programs at Girls Rock Camp Madison.
• Be supportive of one another, especially in regards to individual musical abilities and creative efforts.
• Be supportive and respectful of yourself in regards to abilities and creative efforts.
• Be respectful of all staff members, campers, students, and guests.
• Respect all instruments, equipment and property. Treat them with care.
• Turn off all electronic devices during workshops and classes unless given special permission for use by the instructor.
• Always respect each other’s differences in race, ethnicity, ability, gender identity, size, sexuality, religion, politics, and economic status.
• No foul or offensive language.
• No violence of any kind. Bullying will not be tolerated.
• No drug/alcohol consumption or possession on the Rock Camp premises.
• No smoking on Rock Camp premises.I have read, and agree to abide by, these guidelines. I understand that any violation of these guidelines can lead to suspension or expulsion from any of the programs at Girls Rock Camp Madison without a refund in tuition.
(Para mantener un espacio segura, todo tiene que leer y firmar el código de conducta).*
15. Come back to this questions AFTER you are registered (or write it prior and paste it in)! Short answers please! It's best to write this on a word/google doc, copy and paste it here. Express yourself! We want to know who you are, why you want to attend camp, what music means to you, or anything else you'd like us to know. (Expresarse, Quién eres, por que quieres venír, Que significa la música para ti?)